TheDoctorsTV and Healthy Foods for the 17 Day Diet, Improving Your Sperm Count, and Regulating Your White Blood Cells
The doctors gave you a lot of numbers on today’s episode. Only a few foods were identified as a way to improve those numbers. We would like to share a number of whole foods with you which will contribute to improving your health.
We had to learn how to interpret the numbers that are derived from medical tests. But we NEVER relied upon these numbers to determine the course of action for our patients to take to change them. We have always found that our EAV numbers are more precise and give greater accuracy for assisting in the decision-making process. The lab numbers have always supported our EAV numbers.
The doctors weighed in on the 17 Day Diet Challenge and Dr. Phil’s group had the edge with a small percentage ahead of the Doctor’s group with weight loss after the first seventeen days. All of the participants want to change and lose their excess weight. I think that continued results will see better numbers for the next 17 day period.
Dr. Travis called this a ‘friendly competition’, but I still insist that the healthier way to approach weight management is through cooperation rather than competition. The best motivation was the virtual new body for the participants! If they can ‘SEE’ their bodies changing, they can make it happen. They still seem to need more help with their food choices. Perhaps the doctors can go into the kitchen to provide additional support.
You can go to the website for the 17 Day Diet and learn more about recipes and get ideas that might help you, should you decide to play with the concept of seventeen days… Remember that whole foods like fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, nuts, seeds, beans, whole grains, legumes, seaweeds, fermented foods, and healthy beverages make all the difference in the world when it comes to weight management. If you are smart enough to have a personal trainer, then you should be smart enough to have a personal chef that can prepare healthy organic food dishes for you while you are in transition every 17 days.
The Official 17 Day Diet website – Chat with Dr. Mike at 6 p.m. PST tonight
Dr. Lisa wants to help her patients get pregnant and an important part of that process is for the men to have viable sperm counts. As indicated, a high percentage of infertility in couples is due to the male partner’s part of that equation. The advice to keep the cell phone away from the hip pocket was sound. I have told you to throw away your cell phones or at least use a CieAura Holographic Chip to combat the EMFs that can be a factor in men’s impotence as well as resulting birth defects in the fetus.
CieAura Holographic Chips for Electro-Magnetic Fields
Dr. Lisa pointed out that Brazil Nuts, some meats, eggs, and fish that contain selenium help improve the sperm count. Nuts, eggs, meat, and sesame seeds which contain L-arginine are helpful for increasing sperm counts. Red meat and milk which contain L-carnatine are recommended for increased sperm production and motility. Avocado, asparagus, and spinach supply some folic acid which is important for sperm.
It’s important that you eat grass-fed free range beef and free range eggs, and wild fish like salmon and cod. Your nuts need to be organic, too, as do all of your food selections. If you feel like you don’t eat enough of these foods, then take Vital 18 to get all of these amino acids. Food rich in zinc and other minerals will also improve men’s sperm quality, motility, and increase the Life Force that is needed to get the ‘swimmers’ to their destination.
Dr. Lisa and Dr. Travis both mentioned that your numbers will improve with improvements in your Lifestyle. When you quit smoking, doing recreational drugs (including alcohol – excluding Red Wine), get more exercise, develop healthy relationships, live in a healthy environment, and engage in healthy behavior that is Life-enhancing, it truly changes everything within your body. Your numbers will change…as a direct result of engaging in a healthy Lifestyle.
I was pleased to hear Dr. Travis tell you about high fructose corn syrup, corn, and refined sugar. Yes, stay away from refined sugars and use natural sweeteners instead without fail to keep your numbers in check. You’ll find superfoods and natural sweeteners from Love Street Living Foods – they’ve got your number!
If you have a high while blood cell count, then the doctors warned that it might be due to an infection, allergies, or a thyroid condition. If you go to a gluten-free diet and begin to eat organic citrus fruits, garlic, onions, thyme, oregano, and other foods, herbs, and spices; you can support the blood and improve the strength of your Immune System. Seaweed, sea salt, Viva-Natural, GSE, and certain Essential Oils will also strengthen Immune response by your white blood cells. We’ve discussed this many times and you can refer to older posts by searching for this information.
All in all, your numbers only represent a diagnostic parameter that describes what you’ve been doing or failing to do in the past. Now it’s imperative to change your numbers with a healthy Lifestyle to live for today and into the future.
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