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Martha Stewart Launches the Body and Soul Challenge!

As I watched the Body and Soul Challenge being launched by Martha Stewart on her television show, it reminded me of the progress she is making in presenting more useful information for the Public that will actually lead to a healthier Lifestyle.

Dr. Andrew Weil gave the audience a Gift Basket of goodies, but you can go to our Link for VitalChoice Seafood and get your own Sockeye Sausage as well as Salmon and organic chocolate or fruit which will assist you in getting the tasty nutrition you need from healthy food sources.

Alanna needs a little refresher course on food combining and the definitions of what constitutes a Whole Grain food! She did fairly well with the Lentil Soup and the Spinach Salad, but she fell flat into digestive failure by adding the orange to a meal with whole grain bread! That’s a huge “no-no” in Food Combining land. She needs to learn to keep her fruit, especially citrus, separate from other foods…in particular grains. She could eat the orange as a snack in a few hours following lunch and do much better.

The other dietary problem is that whole wheat bread is no longer a Whole Grain! People are really confused by this distinction. Once you grind the grain and take flour to make bread, muffins, cakes, pies, or any other prepared food, it ceases to be an authentic Whole Grain and it loses its value as such! Avoid or eliminate bread from your diet for Optimal Health! This is a real Challenge!!

Eat Whole Grains that truly are Whole Grains instead and you will get your fiber, your B Complex and other vitamins, and many minerals…in addition to nutrients that are either lost or compromised when grains are processed! Please, please, please…remember and attend to this distinction with Whole Grains. it makes all the difference in the world!

Martha…sweetheart…you need to locate some soy mayonnaise and use it instead. Nayonnaise is a brand name of a good replacement to fat-laden mayonnaise for your egg white and avocado salad. And “Good for You” when you mentioned Chamomile Tea as a sleep support beverage…which tastes delicious with a little blue agave syrup and freshly squeezed lemon juice – organic, of course!

As for Dr. Brent…you found some great gadgets and the most progressive in high tech gizmos which make health assessments and team healthcare exciting and top-notch!  It’s so important for success to have a functioning team which includes an active patient, in addition to a core team of practitioners from various disciplines to provide comprehensive care with a desired outcome.  I want a pair of those fancy GPS enabled tennies for myself and for both of my children who frequently go to the mountains!

But Dr. Brent…wear better shoes!  We know you are a consummate professional…and you are allowed to wear healthy shoes when you appear on Martha’s TV show.  You can find any style in any price range on our Menu Link for Marketplace items.  Your feet deserve comfortable and healthy shoes.

One last thing I want to mention…Martha’s Blog!  It’s utterly fantastic!  You will want to read it regularly.  I love the images of the eggs you’re getting and the coldhouse is incredible!  I want one or two coldhouses on my property!  Every community and neighborhood should build one of these for Community Gardens year round!

Vital Choice


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