You Are The Architect of Your Good Health!
You Are The Architect of Your Good Health!
You grow up with a family doctor, a school nurse, parents who may or may not know much about health, and some public health agencies that offer you all available resources and services to fix you up when something goes wrong.
Who has ever been there for you to support you in your endeavors to maintain your good health status? Who could give you the information and the instruction about how to keep your body and mind in a continual state of renewal and regeneration?
You may have had a caring mother or grandmother who would prepare soup for you, but it is rare to have someone who is experienced in wellness in your midst.
At some point, you come to realize that you have the ultimate responsibility to know as much as possible about the human body and your Mind to be well and healthy. It is incumbent upon you to gain an understanding of your anatomy and physiology. It serves you well to learn about Mind and Consciousness.
Only you can determine how to design your healthy Life. We can give you ideas, tips, and useful information. We can point you in different directions, yet only you can act on this information.
You have the blueprint to design your healthy Life and then the gift of living it becomes a valued experience that you give to yourself to enjoy.