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Cheese Wiz: Mastery of Better Health Through Food Combinations!

If you find that you get colds or the flu easily, if you have any congestion or mucus that is difficult to eliminate, or if you eat dairy products on a consistent basis; then you can be a “Cheese Wiz” with some easy Food Combinations.

Cheese and dairy products along with the typical foods that most of us eat together often produce mucus and phlegm, especially if people have food sensitivities or allergies.  Breads and cheese tend to bring about congestion and sluggish lymphatic conditions in their bodies.  There is a way to master these conditions and become your own “Cheese Wiz”.

You can dissolve phlegm with Fenugreek Seed Tea, particularly with stevia or honey used as a sweetener and some freshly grated ginger added to the brew.  This is a delicious beverage that will keep your throat, lungs, and nasal passages clear when you eat cheese.

Some citrus fruits and sub-acid fruits also help to eliminate phlegm and mucus.  You can drink freshly-juiced apple juice, orange juice, lemonade, grapefruit juice, limeade, and other citrus fruits.  They really need to be fresh and alive with enzymes and nutrients intact and ready to bring a healthy balance to your body.

Bananas and nectarines, berries and black cherries are wonderful foods to bring harmony to your physical body.  They can be the basis of a fruit Smoothie or a healthy dessert.

You have the delicious Green Tea Mandarin Jones Organics available from Jones Soda that contains Mandarin extracts and the natural benefits of Tea.  This is ready to drink on the “Go” or at home at any time when you order a couple of six packs online at our featured Link.

Juice is a great way to find your wizardry and there are endless combinations for you to select from when you order online from HerbTrader.

Being a “Cheese Wiz” is easy when you learn about the food and beverage combinations that will naturally bring Balance and peaceful co-existence with cheese and fruit or tea.

Mountain Rose Herbs
Herb Traders
Jones Soda

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