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Where is Your Attention…A Reality Check!

Just make that Check Payable To: Attention with Emotion Becomes Reality!

You can sign it and cash it, because whatever you place on the line is exactly what you will find showing up in your Life. It’s an exacting spiritual science!

If you put attention on “worry”, then you will experience things and people that bring you the bounty of that worrying emotional circular system. If you put your attention on anything, anyone, any place, any event, and condition…it will eventually manifest in your Life.

The real secret here is that you have the conscious option to decide what captivates your personal attention. You are the only one who can! Therefore…whatever is a part of your personal Reality is a direct result of your focus upon it. You are responsible for your Life.

That’s the “Reality Check”!

Whatever you think you are worth…make out that Check for that amount of Reality.

It takes a brave and sincere Soul to face this special secret. Assigning Responsibility is not always easy to deal with for most people. People find it the easy way out to assign blame and guilt to others. Yet…eventually you come to realize that it IS your Life, not theirs. It can be a stark moment in the course of your Life to understand that you are ultimately entirely responsible for your personal experience.

It comes with a reward!

The reward is that you can design your Life to be precisely what you want it to be…placing your attention upon what is truly of profound importance and meaningful to you.

You can choose to be Cheerful. You will find something in your Life to cheer about.

You can choose to live in a state of Grace.

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