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TheDoctorsTV and Your Private Parts: The Decsion for Incision, the Perfect Fit, and Your Healthy Body Image

This episode took on the most intimate aspects of the Human Body’s Private Parts which are rarely discussed on TV, especially by physicians. Although your sexual and reproductive organs are often on your mind, you don’t often get a chance to hear doctors talking about these delicate topics.

Personally, it continues to amaze me that such a high percentage of people have such a poor Self-Image of their bodies. There are far too many people who would prefer to change and alter their anatomy, rather than learning to love the body they inhabit. They judge their bodies, they make assumptions about how other people perceive their bodies, and they persist in finding extreme ways to alter their physical embodiments. I find it much more productive to change your Self-Concept and love the body you live in here and now.

Your attitude toward your body affects your health and well-being. When you judge or critique your Private Parts, you can quite literally have an impact on the energy field surrounding and sustaining your physical body which then changes the state of the cells, tissue, and function. One of the greatest measures you can take for being WELL…is to love your body as it is. Embrace it, adore it, and love it for what it is!

If you have goals for changing your body; then implement changes gradually and intentionally with gratitude for your body’s ability to adapt and conform to your will and desire for transformation. Love and enjoy the process…

Too many dissatisfied individuals elect to go under the knife to change their physical bodies. The ‘decision for incision’ is invasive and carries with it a set of health risks. If you really feel that it is imperative to have surgery to have the ‘perfect fit’ for your partner, or to extend the length of your penis by severing the ligament internally, or having fat fill this area of your anatomy; then do it with the expectation that it may or may not be what you are attempting to accomplish the ‘easy way’. You can sculpt your body with exercise without going under the knife and it will change. You have to decide if the risks of surgery are worth the potential gain that you are looking for…but be prepared for disappointment. The ‘decision for incision’ will not always yield the precision you anticipate as a result. You may just find that you will have to go about it the hard way by gradually and organically bringing about gentle transformations over a longer period of time.

Women are NOT all that impressed with thickness and length. Women actually care more about the finesse with which you are able to make love, rather than the inches of girth. Don’t be mesmerized by the media… Women prefer ‘quality’ relationships to ‘quantity’ of meat and greet! Trust me…

It is going to be vastly superior to gain skills and knowledge of your Private Parts through the practice of Tantra or the ‘arts of love-making’ from Eastern Cultures like India. Tantra will do more for you and your partner than ten surgical procedures…

The other practice that will bring you and your partner satisfaction is detailed in the written work and the workshops of Mantak Chia. The ‘Dance of the Testes’ and other techniques that have used since ancient times in older cultures and civilizations are going to be more fulfilling than some of these cosmetic changes in your anatomy. The Kama Sutra and other transcripts will provide you with greater skill and volumes of Bliss…

Trust me on this!

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