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Dr. Oz and the Health Issues That are Never Too Late to Change Like Smoking and Tanning

You might think that you’ve done too much damage to your body by engaging in certain behaviors and activities which didn’t seem that bad when you began, but now appear to injure your health beyond repair. Well, according to Dr. Oz and others – It’s Never Too Late!

Smoking cigarettes is a habit that has been linked to some serious diseases and cancer. The carcinogenic chemicals and additives in tobacco are the primary culprits, not the tobacco itself. You do need to stop smoking most commercial brands of cigarettes, but you can still use tobacco and e-cigarettes to your advantage.

The e-cigarettes are not so bad and will help you to wean yourself from regular cigarettes. You will still enjoy the satisfaction of the act of smoking without the tar and other harmful chemicals that compromise your health. The Blu and the Green Smoke e-cigarettes are the best that we have found in our search for the highest quality products in any category. Let us know what your experience it with these two brands of e-cigarettes.

Green Smoke

Tobacco is ‘warming’ in its bio-energetic state. Most people are drawn to smoke tobacco, because they have injured the lungs with bio-energetic ‘cold’ foods, beverages, or lifestyle practices. With its ability to warm the lungs, a person would naturally be attracted to tobacco. It has nitric acid as a component that when vaporized and inhaled, causes significant changes in the brain’s biochemistry which is desirable and purposeful. We’ve talked about the spiritual applications of tobacco in a previous post about ‘The Initiate’. The use of tobacco can be a beautiful thing under the right circumstances.

If you cannot find other whole foods and herbs to warm the lungs; then use organic tobacco wisely. American Spirit makes the purest tobacco products and you can always grow your own tobacco plants. It’s hard to find organic tobacco, but it is available.

Tanning Salons are in the news now as being a little less healthy for you than originally thought to be. Tanning can age the skin and if the salon is not attentive to cleanliness, you can contract pathogens in the tanning beds. You can reverse the damage done to your aging skin using whole foods and organic skin care products.

You can eliminate the problems associated with clothing laden with flame retardants, synthetic materials, and irritants when you choose to purchase organic cotton or bamboo clothing and use organic cleaning products. Other synthetic chemicals that you come into contact with in the course of your daily life can be curtailed or limited when you buy GREEN brands of products and use GREEN services. Paint, cleaning products, and other common household products can now be replaced by their GREEN counterparts. Fungus and other irritants can be mitigated or eliminated when you turn to the correct cleaning products to rid your home and office and school of these health problems.

We’ve discussed so many of these issues in previous posts, if you will search for them, you’ll learn more and find companies that resolve these health risks. It’s never too late to make these life-saving changes in your daily Lifestyle.

Liquid Zeolite for Detoxification and Supplementation

Your body has the amazing ability to adapt, to regenerate, and to repair the damage done with the proper substances. Herbs and some nutritional supplements can support this process in the human body. You can also use Liquid Zeolite to remove the synthetic chemicals that you’ve exposed your body to in the past. This detoxification process is rather important when you want to restore your health and achieve a new level of wellness once you’ve implemented these changes.

Be strong, be determined, and be well! It’s never too late to change and regenerate your body with knowledge, intention, and support. We’re here to support you in this process with information, instruction, and encouragement.

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