TheDoctorsTV and the Clean Fifteen and the Dirty Dozen: Organic Food Choices are Worth the Price
The Dirty Dozen and the Clean Fifteen are probably someone’s idea of a cute way to make a point. The folks who assembled these two lists of foods to determine which ones are better when organic, the others you can cheat your way through without purchasing them in the organic produce section; but we are here to differ with this conclusion!
Organic Food is well-worth the price you pay. You cannot cheat and get away with it. Your body knows. Your body suffers and the ultimate price you pay is much higher when you develop cancer and other degenerative diseases. In the long run, you will save a fortune and save your Life when you ONLY eat organic foods.
Have these people spent much time in the garden, tilling the soil, planting the seeds, adding the soil amendments, tending to the plants as they grow and mature? Do they really think that pesticides remain only on the exterior skin or leaves of a green plant or a vegetable or fruit? Do they know it rains and the residue of these chemicals get into the soil where the roots of a plant…well, you get my point!
So…is it realistic to assume that washing the Dirty Dozen will suffice to remove pesticides? Are you willing to risk your health by putting your faith in their assumptions? You really need to buy the following foods from organic growers: blueberries, cherries, grapes, nectarines, strawberries, apples, kale, spinach, potatoes, bell peppers, celery, and peaches.
You also need to buy these fifteen foods from organic growers: melon, kiwi, mango, pineapple, cantaloupe, asparagus, onion, corn, avocado, peas, cabbage, eggplant, and sweet potatoes. Although some people will risk their health by eating these from commercial growers, I would not recommend it. The chemical residues are toxic and most certainly affect your health. Don’t buy it unless it’s organic!
This is a no-compromise zone…
The other segment on today’s new episode of TheDoctorsTV was about coffee. Dr. Lisa had not had a cup since college. I only recently tested some of the organic Kona Coffee from Hawaii and some of the other organic, free-trade coffee and found it to contribute to a person’s general health. I won’t go into detail about the organs and systems that are improved in function, but I am drinking a cup occasionally and glad to tell you so. Just don’t guzzle down three or four cups a day! Be sure your coffee is organic, too!