Gentle Movement Beats Rigorous Exercise!
Time after time after time…people ask which is better!
Is rigorous exercise like a cardio workout a necessity? Do I have to workout at all? What alternatives do we have to the gym?
I will say this no matter what anyone else says about it as opinions change back and forth over the decades. Gentle movement is superior for keeping the body toned, in shape, and physically fit when compared to rigorous exercise programs.
You do not have to break a sweat! You do not have to go to the gym! You do not have to expend extraordinary amounts of energy to get into shape and keep your heart and vascular system healthy!
In fact, many people exhaust their lifeforce by exercising too hard, too often, and when they are too depleted of energy reserves to begin with…it’s crazy and rather stupid – even self-defeating behavior to exercise under these circumstances.
The smart thing to do?
Gentle movement.
Walking. Stretching. Yoga.
You can begin with ease and be rational as you enter into a program to get back and stay in good condition. It’s not a race…it’s a process and a life long journey of Wellness.
Yoga is a tradition form of gentle movement that will accomplish your goal of getting fit physically and mentally. It requires discipline…from the poses to the breath. It yields amazing results over time.
Now…you can earn and practice Yoga using online instructional videos at your convenience in the privacy of your own home. You can find all the equipment and Yoga supplies needed for your practice with our affiliate partners.
Yoga…gentle, yet powerful and effective!