Dr. Oz and the Firemen’s Call for a Healthy Lifestyle
Dr. Oz discussed some health topics with a few firemen who risk their lives every day fighting fires and rescuing people while putting themselves at risk when they don’t eat well on the job waiting for a Call. One of the firefighters explained that he was ready for a Lifestyle change. This is exactly what it takes to bring about lasting and significant change…you have to WANT it and be READY to engage in it!
The firefighters want to lose inches off their waists and get back to an ideal weight. They know that they need to change the types and quantity of foods that they are eating while at the Fire Station. The recipes for lasagna with cashews which is without any dairy products can be found on the doctoroz website. The suggestions that were given to the firefighters are sound and will make a difference for these fellows. The grub looks good!
Fire Engine 2 Food information
The burger changes are excellent. And FINALLY, someone is saying it out loud to give up canola oil. It’s about time. The brownie substituted for the old fattening recipe even tasted good to the firefighter. Now all that’s needed is for people to get it through their thick heads to ONLY eat grass-fed beef that have been allowed to live on the range…free…from feedlots, disease, and synthetic growth hormones, and prions.
Then the moves…with some basic jumping jacks and on to working the core. This is such a better way to spend the down time between Calls working on getting back in excellent shape, rather than sitting around watching the tube or shooting the breeze. There are some really great Firehouse cooks around the country and they are starting to make their food healthier and more nutritious.
The firemen face what other people who spend a lot of time on the job waiting to be sent into the field. They are not the only ones who have relied upon coffee and doughnuts or other junk to fill the void between real meals. But they don’t have to be lazy, they don’t need to feed their faces with junky foods and coffee. They can have healthy beverages like Brain Toniq and China Cola or Reed’s Ginger Brew on hand. There are tons of healthy snack foods that are now on the market.
Dr. Oz spent the rest of the show on Men’s health issues, even the erogenous zones that are hidden. Trust was one of the topics that Dr. Oz described when locating erogenous areas of the body that are seldom touched by others. The best part of the discussion was the fact about oxytocin being released by the endocrine system. Imagine that you can bond through the simple act of caressing your partner’s ears, feet, and arms. Men should be encouraged to explore their bodies, so they will better know how to pleasure and satisfy their partners and themselves.
Massage Therapy can help a man to get ‘in touch’ with different areas of his body that are rarely touched in a non-sexual manner. It’s an educational process, but you should be comfortable and fully present with your body…every inch or cun of it. A cun is a unit of measurement that we use in TCM. The body has a beautiful symmetry and structure which deserves your full attention. Inside and out, you should be the master of your own domain and know the territory in order to keep it healthy and strong. Explore and encounter…
So many men are afraid of learning more about their bodies. They leave it in their doctor’s hands or expect someone else to take care of their own body when they are the ones living in it. It NEVER is too late to change this common approach for the guys.
I do have to say that there is such a thing as too much sex whereas Dr. Oz thinks not. I have seen many men expend far too much Jing and Kidney Chi with terrible health consequences. Sex in moderation manages the energy of the first seal with one’s endocrine system. Balance is the key here, guys!
That testosterone test that Dr. Oz thinks is of primary importance as an indicator of men’s health can be altered by something so simple as the municipal water supply which has not adequately removed synthetic chemicals from drugs which contain estrogen and other hormones which can affect male levels of testosterone. Be sure to drink purified water, so you don’t take this risk unnecessarily.
Speaking of the Kidney Chi…the foods that Dr. Oz featured with his game for kidney stones talked about beets, black tea, potato chips, and spinach along with oranges, water, yogurt, lentils, and other foods that can help to prevent stones from forming or dissolve them when they are present. Look…quit eating dairy foods and find some Black Cherry concentrate for both kidney and gallstones. Your acid meats and saturated fats need to go the way of the do-do bird… Eat organic, fresh produce and an occasional beet juiced with celery, carrots, and apples will be just fine!
One addition that I would like to make to this post… Recently I watched an episode of Regis and Kelly on TV as they featured a firefighter from Monroe, WA preparing a dish in their Cook-Off. Many of the fire departments around the country are learning that they need to feed their crews healthier foods and drink more than coffee throughout their shifts. When these examples are given on TV and online; then it inspires and motivates other departments to do more to keep their people strong and fit.
In addition to the core exercises that the firefighters were given, the men who want true health and wellness can begin to practice yoga, tai chi, and other mystical arts which keeps the Body, Mind, and Spirit in alignment.
June 14th, 2010 at 9:11 am
its lovely stuff you have got here. Have been searching for it everywhere. Nice blog