World Wide Health Directory: Resources and Referrals for Health, Wellness, and Professional Assistance
I don’t intend to insult the qualifications that Dr. Oz or the physicians from TheDoctorsTV show possess, but they are often inadequate when it comes to wanting a professional who is qualified in Holistic Health and Wellness.
It’s one thing to be well-versed in disease and pathology, whereas it’s quite another to have the knowledge and wisdom to provide guidance for people who are interested in a healthy Lifestyle, Well-Being, and Longevity.
It’s a word of difference…
So…here’s a WorldWideHealth Directory that offers plenty of resources and useful information for those who want to be well.
If you are looking for a school, a practitioner, a product, information, or anything else from the complimentary field of holistic health; then this international directory might give you something useful.