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TheDoctorsTV and the ‘Halt the Salt’ Campaign: Sea Your Salt and Meet Herbs and Spices that Marry Flavor with Nutrition

The doctors on on a roll! First they want you to reduce the sugar in your diet, then they want you to change to healthy beverages like Green Tea and Brain Toniq, and today they are talking about changing your salting habits.

The new ‘Halt the Salt’ campaign is the most recent effort by these smart doctors to help you embrace a healthier Lifestyle and a good diet that will keep you from developing many degenerative diseases. Pay attention to this solid advice!

The physicians pointed out that a lot of sodium is hidden salt in processed foods from cereal to snacks to frozen dinners. The manufacturers hide the sodium in these items to make them taste better by using inexpensive sodium or salt. You simply must quit buying processed foods with labels that reveal the huge amount of sodium that has been added to the rest of the ingredients.

The doctors suggested that you make your preference known by asking the companies to change their ingredients and reduce sodium content. Good Luck with that…

While there are a few companies that listen to the consumer, there are many more that cannot or will not change. However, a company like Campbell’s Soup has switched over to sea salt instead of the problematic commercial salt.

Sea Salt is one excellent solution. You should have at least one shaker in your kitchen that is full of sea salt. One more shaker that is full of gomasio which supplies EFAs and many other nutrients along with flavor. Several more shakers which are combinations of herbs and spices that you use to season foods while you cook and when you finish the presentation.

You can even take the sea salt shaker with you when you go out to eat at a restaurant. Don’t compromise your body when sea salt is so readily available in convenient shakers! Your body recognizes sea salt and it contains more trace minerals that are used to metabolize foods and regulate electrolytes in your blood. Sea your salt from the ocean and you’ll be healthier!

When you use fresh and dried organic herbs and spices to season your food, you won’t miss the salt. You will be supplying more nutrients and more flavor through the use of herbs and spices. They will marry with the salt in your dishes and the end result will be good taste and better nutrition.

Sodium and potassium are essential for your body to function, but when there is too much of either in your blood; your body must expend energy and minerals to restore Balance. Sea salt is an ideal choice for bringing back this Balance.

Gomasio is sea salt blended with toasted sesame seeds. It’s so much better than just salting your foods. It can be used on whole grains, vegetable dishes, pasta, cassaroles, and on top of so many foods that I can’t even list all of the uses for this delightful condiment.

One Response to “TheDoctorsTV and the ‘Halt the Salt’ Campaign: Sea Your Salt and Meet Herbs and Spices that Marry Flavor with Nutrition”

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