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The Thanksgiving Afterthoughts: Can Your Food Taste Better and Be Better For You?

You always have high expectations for how good the food that is served for Thanksgiving Dinner is going to taste, but sometimes it is a disappointment.

The turkey is dry and tasteless. The mashed potatoes are bland mush. The stuffing had no flavor. The dessert was too sweet and you couldn’t tell if it was pumpkin or sweet potato pie. The vegetables were water-logged. The cranberries just don’t taste right and why do people bother to keep making them for this holiday meal. Even that green bean casserole was worthless. Those stupid marshmallows on top of the sweet potatoes were burned and tasted as if they had been on the store shelf since last Thanksgiving!

All in all, you really are wondering if your food can taste better and be better for your health.

The answer is a resounding “yes”!

But you need to do a couple of things differently. First of all, you need to shop at a better store, either in your local community or online. If you go to the big box stores, you are limited in your supply of flavorful and fresh foods. Certainly, you can search online for your local Whole Foods Market, a corner Food Coop, a Farmer’s Market, or a health food store with a great produce section.

You can find basic ingredients and fabulous whole foods online. We heartily recommend Love Street Living Foods.

Between the online items and the locally-sourced items, you will get the best end of the feast that celebrates what you are grateful for and truly appreciative for having in your Life. Good food is such an integral part of a healthy Lifestyle that you don’t want to compromise yourselves by limiting your choices.

Secure the better food…secure your health for the next twenty Thanksgiving Dinners!

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