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Dr. Oz and the 700 Pound Girl Who Goes to the Morgue for a Wake-Up Call

It took a visit to the morgue with Dr. Oz for this obese girl to get her Wake-Up Call about her weight and the health risks on today’s show.

Dr. Oz and the Morgue Visit

She had been failing to take her obesity seriously and quit working with the experts that Dr. Oz brought to her twice over four months. She even went so far as to blame her mother until she went to live with her for five days and realized that it was NOT her mother who was sabotaging her weight loss goals.

The mother didn’t even put the ice cream or other foods in her kitchen on her radar when her daughter visited. It didn’t cross her mind, but her daughter was clearly upset by the very presence of foods that would add more pounds to her 700 pound frame. Her emotional problems are at the heart of her love/hate relationship with food and her body. It may have finally hit her that SHE and she alone is responsible for her condition and for any changes that she makes. Even Dr. Oz was angry and frustrated that nothing he had done thus far had made an impact.

He felt that his only remaining choice was to SHOCK her into a stunning realization by seeing the morgue and the internal organs and omentum fat of a deceased body. She cried as she handled the fat that was an indicator of only one/sixth the extra weight that she carries. She needed to be shocked and in awe of the death due to the damage to the internal organs of the human body with a person only one hundred pounds overweight…and she is wearing 700 pounds.

I don’t think she is ready. Her emotions were less than authentic in my opinion. She is going to a clinic for a few months and we’ll then see how determined and committed she is to losing that excess weight and saving her Life. She cannot blame her mother, her husband, or any doctor…she alone has to point her finger at herself. If she thinks that eating what she wants is a display of being able to control some aspect of her life, then certainly this will be the way she shows that she loves her life enough to make the necessary changes.

I remember seeing my father’s dead body as well as one of my friend’s body when they died. I was a teenager then and it did make an impact. I did not cry, but I did see the inevitable difference of one body having the ‘breath of Life’ and the dead body after the Soul departed. My father died from cancer and my friend died in a car accident. It was instructive for me to see their dead bodies. It was not traumatic, but the images are forever imprinted in my memory.

If this obese young girl ever is going to change, this is the thing to do the trick. The Morgue is her ‘last stand’. She either changes or she will be the next one being dissected and remembered for her poundage as her cause of death. The ball is in her court and even Dr. Oz is without the power to do it for her… She must do this herself.

Will Power is a key to any resolution of a health issue that any individual faces. If you are determined to change and reach your health goals; then you will find the inner directive and capacity to make the changes that take you step by step to your goal without excuses, without blame, and without delay. The fundamental relationship we have with food needs to be reconfigured to be one of love and care, nourishing and encouraging, filling and complete with acts of self-esteem and gratitude for being alive and well.

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