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Dr. Oz and Montel: The Pain So Bad That Suicide Gets Consideration

This repeat episode of Dr. Oz emphasizes the deplorable situation in medicine we face today for Pain Management.

Montel Williams is brutally honest and tells his story to illustrate the point when a person can no longer tolerate chronic pain and thinks about ending his Life by suicide.

Relief is sought…no matter what!

When traditional western medical approaches do not work, there has been no other option for people with severe pain that don’t respond to drugs, physical therapy, or surgery.

This is the impetus behind the use of medical marijuana, new technology, and more natural methods to alleviate the pain. No one who is experiencing pain every moment of every day is going to be able to dismiss it.

Montel chose his path and it worked for him. Other people have used other approaches and found relief. Some people feel that they have the Right to terminate their own lives whether in their own way or assisted by a doctor.

The bald physician sitting next to Montel would not qualify to treat anyone I know with an ego that supersedes common sense and compassion. How dare he criticize the health care professional who counsels patients about ‘end-of-life’ care. How dare he attempt to usurp the power of the individual to make their own choices in this matter. He gives doctors a ‘bad name’! It’s no wonder that organizations and professionals have developed alternatives to such ignorance when people face Death.

Dr. Oz Talks with Montel About The Right to End Your Own Life

For so many who endure constant mind-numbing pain. they feel that Life is no longer worth living when pain disables their ‘Quality of Life’. Death is desired more than continuous pain.

Most doctors don’t want to pursue euthenasia for humans and only think it is merciful for animals. Although, there are some doctors who are willing to assist a person with no other options end their Life with the more acceptable methodology. It’s better than the use of a gun, slitting a wrist, or over-dosing on drugs. Who is so afraid of what happens after the death of the physical body that they would prolong suffering, rather than death with dignity.

We’ve talked about the alternatives for Pain Management here on the blog and all of these ways need to be given a fair chance to work before one considers death.

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