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Dr. Oz and Insomnia: Sleep is As Necessary as Water

You won’t survive long without water and you won’t live well when you are sleep-deprived from insomnia.

People need ‘sleep’ as much as they require water, air, and food to live well and remain healthy.

But there are millions of people who struggle to go to sleep, stay asleep, and get back to sleep during the night. Many of these people are drugging themselves into oblivion in the process of trying to find a pill to fix their nightly problem.

Dr. Oz and Michael Jackson: Sleep in America

Dr. Oz began today’s show with Dr. R who talked about the ‘milk’ that Michael Jackson was given by Dr. Murray who is on trial for murdering Michael Jackson. The doctors described how this drug affects the human body and how it is supposed to be used in an appropriate medical situation.

Dr. Murray will be convicted of killing Michael Jackson and malpractice if what these physicians say is true. Apparently, this drug is only administered in a hospital setting with attendants at all times and equipment to monitor the patient. Dr. Murray was negligent and he should not only lose his license to practice medicine, he should have to do ten thousand hours or more of community service. Jail is too easy for this man.

No other medical personnel were willing to give Michael more drugs or controlled drugs to help him sleep. They knew better. While it is a major issue for millions of people, drugs are not the best course of treatment.

Dr. Oz had several guests appear on the show who also suffered from insomnia. Their stories were frightening. Sleep is a precious commodity and natural methods are the ideal way to maintain one’s healthy sleep patterns.

Doctors need to learn to find alternative ways to help people deal with stress, pain, disease, and lack of sleep. We’ve talked about many of the ways we employ with the CieAura Holographic Chips and subliminal tapes.

CieAura Holographic Chips for Restful Sleep

Melatonin and other nutritional supplements will help some of the time, but you really have to eventually balance your body. When the Yin is deficient, there will often be challenges with one’s sleep patterns. If you exhibit with excess Yang, that can also create sleep disturbances. You simply will benefit from being evaluated by a professional acupuncturist who can determine these things and treat you properly.

Furthermore, coffee, black tea, alcohol, recreational drugs, hot foods, fatty foods, processed foods, and refined sugar will interfere with sleep. You can’t cheat here!

A healthy Lifestyle will return a normal pattern to your sleep hours. There are usually numerous factors involved for each individual. You should be willing to pursue this until you are sleeping like a baby again to awaken refreshed and rejuvenated each morning.

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