Dr. Oz and Cell Phone Health Issues and Solutions: Dialing for Doctors
Dialing while you are driving is indeed a risky behavior that needs to be curtailed immediately. Let’s use a little common sense here: Find the closest exit, leave the roadway, park your car, and then make a call or answer someone who has called you while you were driving your vehicle.
It’s simple, it takes very little time out of your schedule, and it just may very well save lives, including your own. You will be able to take care of business, make your call safely, and smartly avoid placing anyone else in jeopardy by your behavior and choices!
Oprah and Dr. Oz have made a very big deal out of this issue of texting while driving. It is just plain stupid and there is no way for you to justify doing it, regardless of the excuses you could come up with to rationalize this behavior. The risks are too great and your attention is divided as a result. Do the ‘right thing’ and pull over or wait until you reach your destination to make or return that call. Promise? Good!
What on earth are you doing using a Cell Phone anyway? Fool! We have told you about the damage to your brain, to your reproductive system, and to every cell in your body that is altered when you subject your body to these EM fields with a cell phone. Give it away to your worst enemy or better yet, throw it away or recycle it for a better use.
Do NOT use a cell phone if you truly want to enjoy a healthy Lifestyle. Honestly, you are a complete idiot if you insist to use a cell phone for any reason except a legitimate emergency with no other alternative to contact help. This is as simple a way to say this as possible: Do NOT use cell phones. Get informed and take care of your brain and your body by refusing to compromise on this!
I have never tested anyone – ANYONE – who has not been affected by a cell phone. Yes, there are degrees of damage, but damage is done. It will cost you a lot more to regenerate your brain cells and the other cells of your body when you are injured by these fields that it will cost you to get to a land line or a computer for email or see someone in person and talk to them safely without risking your health.
Do you know how hard it is to replace brain cells? Most scientists do not know that it is even possible; let alone how to accomplish this difficult task. Why would you willingly damage your brain when there are simple alternatives?
That’s exactly what it is…and it signals to us that you don’t actually care about your well-being! It’s your choice, but really…get a grip and show a little self-discipline. We know it isn’t convenient, but it is WORTH it. Quit sabotaging your health by engaging in risky behaviors! Promise? Good Deal!
The fat couple on Dr. Oz who showed this self-defeating behavior by eating processed foods and avoiding their program are perfect examples of self-sabotaging attitudes. Excuses, rationalizations, avoidance, and any other number of reasons for faltering and going back to old habits prevail, but in the end, ruin your health.
The motivation HAS to come from within you, and ambushes and contract pledges are insufficient to permanently change your behavior. Get real…and change your attitude to change your behavior! If you need help with this, then use subliminal tapes and self-help programs to re-program your subconscious mind and your conscious awareness. Be strong, be willful, be disciplined, be healthy!
Health Improvement Programs for your Mind
And if you have a wife or husband or child or parent or doctor to help you with COMPLIANCE; then use them as a resource to strengthen your ability to keep yourself on the bandwagon and on your path to wellness. You are the ultimate person in your life that must assume responsibility for your actions, your choices, and your quality of life.
It needs to be for yourself, in addition to being good for your children, your spouse, and your physician. Care enough about yourself to discipline your mind to adopt healthy behaviors and make the best choices available to you in each moment. This is known as personal empowerment!
It’s one thing to have your very own 800 number to call your enforcer and report your daily choices to ensure compliance to keep you successful when following the programs that have been designed for you to lose weight, eat better, get some exercise, and learn to take better care of your body until you regain your health. Dialing for Doctors is just one basic resource that is a temporary solution to a permanent and lasting Lifestyle change.
You literally must change your MIND. Hypnosis, subliminal programs, and audio tapes for re-programming your mind do work, so use them wisely. Then you won’t have to apologize to Dr. Oz and his enforcer or make any more excuses that don’t hold water or work for you in the end.
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Look…the bottom line is that if you continue to engage in self-sabotaging behavior when you know better, you are going to experience degenerative diseases that will kill you in the end. Do you want to suffer? Do you want to deal with excruciating pain? Do you want to shorten your life unnecessarily? Do you want to die?
You are the only one who can answer these questions honestly and the only one who can change the choices you make to turn your life around right now and for years to come. You have to be your best advocate, your best friend, your own enforcer; because you love life.
If you love life, you’ll eat whole foods and drink pure water. If you love life, you’ll refuse to purchase processed and packaged foods that you know are not healthy for you. If you love life, you will make the necessary Lifestyle changes that support your well-being rather than compromise your health. Love Life!