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Dr. Oz and Black Cohosh for Hot Flashes: Here’s the Real NewsFlash!

Dr. Oz recommended Black Cohosh to Patti LaBelle for Hot Flashes and then again when speaking with Dorothy Hamill, he grabs the Black Cohosh out of his ‘bag of tricks’. But wait…don’t rush out and buy this potent herb just yet!

There are things you need to know and that you need to take into consideration before using Black Cohosh.

Although the use of this herb among Native Americans indicates that it was helpful for labor, menopause, arthritis, and snake bites; there is no evidence that it was used alone as a singular herb. Most of us who are familiar with herbs typically combine several herbs and substances to make a complete formula that is specific to the individual, rather than offering a blanket recommendation of a single substance for a specific disease or condition. It just isn’t done, except by novices.

If I were flashing like Dorothy or Patti, I would NOT use Black Cohosh. They both have other imbalances which require more care in the selection of the grouping of substances for their cases. Neither of them appear to possess healthy livers or immune systems, so they need to be evaluated by true Herbalists. Dr. Oz is a novice in this area, so please don’t put stock in everything he talks about on TV.

The concept of what is normal and what is common are two distinct things. Hot Flashes that have lasted for fourteen years is not normal. That amount of time is uncommon. Patti LaBelle’s physicians need to monitor her much more closely. As far as her indulgence in spicy food goes, that is going to contribute to more of a disparity between Yin and Yang energy in her body. When you constantly eat spices that are hot or even warming, you are stimulating and sometimes irritating the body. Too much heat…not so good! Remember: Balance in all things!

These two women would be wise to nourish their bodies and their blood (xue) by eating healthy foods like dark leafy greens, miso soup, greens and root vegetables, and sprouts. Whole grains combined with soy foods will supply a complete protein group and will help them bring balance to their Endocrine Systems. Good Luck to both of them…

If you insist upon trying Black Cohosh or Dong Quai or Rehmannia or Ginseng or Licorice Root or any other single herb, then at least buy them from a reputable source who cares about quality control. Then take some time to learn about formulations that will better meet your nutritional and health needs.

Chinese Herbals

If you read this post and other blog entries regularly; then you’ll know that I attempt to educate you on the wisdom in using Herbal Formulations, rather than individual separate herbs. The same applies to vitamins and mineral supplements, too. Most food has a combination of nutrients, unless it is grown in poor soil. Your supplements need to be well-formulated like nature makes a food…

People try to simplify things too often. Meat has more than protein. Whole grains and pasta are more than carbohydrates. Nuts, seeds, avocado, and other foods that are known for healthy oils are more than just lipids. Foods are rich in a combination of thee substances and nutrients. When you select a supplement or herbal formula, keep this in mind.

However, having said that…

My general rule is to test to determine a grouping for any individual. There is rarely ever a single substance that fits like a well-tailored suit. Except one…

Pearl Powder possesses active signal proteins that communicate with the human body’s DNA to initiate regeneration and balance.

Pearl Powder

When you choose your supplements, combine them together for you as a unique individual with unique needs and include pearl powder with your selections. Eat a wide variety of foods to ensure that you consume all of the vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbs, and healthy fats that will keep you strong and full of vim, vigor, and spunk!

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