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DoctorsTV and Oz: Backyard Grilling Healthy Ideas, Summer Supplements, and Celebrity Suggestions for a Healthy Lifestyle

TheDoctorsTV physicians and Dr. Oz went into full summer seasonal action today on their TV shows. The doctors were outside at the Grill making sure they followed some necessary changes in grilling foods that would keep them safe, free from cancer, and protect them from unnecessary exposure to toxic chemicals while having fun in the backyard. Meanwhile, Dr. Oz was spraying his Grill with a non-toxic fire extinguisher while falling people had to sit it out on the ground. It’s Summer and there’s time for doctors to leave their ERs and clinics to find a way into their backyards to enjoy some good times…and you’re invited. You get to share in some healthy ideas that will add to the fun without risking some basic problems that you may not have thought about until they are pointed out to you.

If you have young children, it is important to make your backyard and pool area safe. But what’s equally important is to take your children by the hand and walk them through the area and discuss what they need to know before you leave them unattended and unaware of how to behave in that space. Too many lazy parents scold in the aftermath of an accident, when it could have been prevented by taking a few minutes to explain everything to the kids. Most kids will listen and be careful. You can do what is within your power to keep the area clear of any potential risks to minimize the possibility of any problems.

If my brothers, my sister, and I could grow up with swimming pools, waterfalls, whirlpools, river currents, hot springs, rattlesnakes, and wild animals in and out of our property; then surely you can educate your children on the ways to survive childhood where you choose to live! The children should be so observant that they can watch their parents when the adults drink too much alcohol or party with wild abandon… LOL

The doctors ended their show as if they were eager to celebrate the 4th of July with glow sticks, fireworks, and horns. I love all of the wild products that have that GLOW of blue, green, red, purple, and other colors for ice cubes, glasses, jewelry, decorations, and all kinds of things that make your parties fun and memorable. Find a few of these glow sticks and crazy fun items here when you scroll down to see the colorful blinking cups and ice cubes:

What about that Grill? Is the Grill better than frying food? Well, the Dean brothers on Dr. Oz went to the Grill to make their sandwiches healthier than the traditional method of preparation. This is an evolution from their mother Paula’s reliance upon butter, frying, and fattening up virtually every dish that I have ever watched her make on the Food Network!

Curtail your grilling of meat to the point of charring it. There are biochemical compounds which have been proven to be some of the precursors for creating the conditions in the body that allow cancer cells to proliferate. Use less heat and keep the meat to medium in ‘doneness’ levels.

That means that you want to keep a constant eye on your Grill while food is being prepared…don’t walk away to play with the kids for a few minutes. Even if you need to get a second story grill to keep the food a little further away from the hot coals, then it is worth it when you can prevent carcinogens from entering your summer fun picture.

Use spices and herbal seasonings to flavor your food on the Grill. Season your foods on both sides, but rub olive oil on before you apply the seasonings in order for them to stick. Don’t put delicate parsley or cilantro or other green herbs on the Grill until the very end or when you are enhancing the visual presentation just before serving the food to your family and guests.

Use meats with less fat content on the Grill. Turkey, venison, and chicken are excellent choices. The doctors made a great recommendation to marinate your meats before grilling to make foods healthier. Listen to that advice!

Grilled fruits are fabulous. Peaches, pineapple, banana, and other fruits that lend themselves to long flat slices won’t fall through the grill and will be sweeter when a little heat is applied. You can drizzle a fruit juice over the fruit to make a glaze and that will serve as one of the healthiest desserts during the Summer that you’ll ever taste.

If you have ever tasted roasted peppers, mushrooms, zucchini, and other vegetables; then you know that grilling veggies will please anyone. Put olive oil with garlic, ginger, and other spices on your veggies as you grill them and the flavor sensation will make a vegetable-lover out of the most picky eaters.

If you put out salsa, dips, and healthy condiments on the table to further enhance the presentation and flavor of your grilled goodies; then make sure they are fresh and organic. Frontier has a good variety of dip mixes, seasoning packages, and spices that will suit any palate and any occasion.

Great grilling begins with good seasonings. Find the best from Simply Organic at

You can toast your buns and bread on the Grill, just don’t leave them on too long. It’s a good idea to paint on some olive oil and garlic to season your buns. It’s better than butter… If you have a spritzer of balsamic vinegar or lemon juice; then use that to tenderize your meats, veggies, and prepare your bed of greens on the plate, so they get eaten, too. Be sure to use sea salt and freshly ground pepper along with your other fresh organic spices whenever you grill outdoors or cook inside whether it’s Summer time or all year long. Food seems to always taste better when prepared outdoors on the Grill and shared with laughter around a picnic table on the porch in the backyard or out in the country.

We used to float the river and cook our catch around the campfire…and man, did the trout taste good wrapped in a strip of bacon with a lemon wedge. We would wrap our trout and our potatoes in foil and throw them in the campfire. Now we place a barrier between the foil and the food, but the flames cook the spuds and the fish gradually and they are tender, moist, and succulent when it’s finally time to chow down. Summer is a great time to take the opportunity to visit our National Parks and wilderness areas. But whatever you take into the wilderness, bring it all back out to keep the wild pristine.

Have you ever used a solar oven? You can enjoy preparing food using the power of the sun this way and the food tastes good, although it can take more time than most of you are used to spending on cooking. Solar ovens are great when there is no electricity or when you want to be GREEN. If you’re lucky, you can find a Pyra-mid oven and use that contraption to cook food outdoors in an environmentally-conscious way! In fact, do your research and use GREEN products when grilling or camping as well as every day.

Lastly, we watched some of our favorite Celebrities ask Dr. Oz questions and our pick was Whoopi’s Q about light bladder leakage. Do your Kegel exercises and take your pearl powder and Chinese herbs to restore your muscular tone. We also loved seeing Yoga demonstrated with a touch of ballet thrown in for good measure. Yoga can be practiced outdoors and your breathing gets more fresh air and oxygen when done outside. Get some good gear and you’ll be ready for the Summer. Your health will improve and you’ll be able to say that this Summer you took the time to be healthier, happier, and become your own celebrity at the Grill!

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