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SuperBowl Sunday Food Mistakes and Fixes: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly!

The Food Network’s Guy made a showing with some decent tailgate temptations, although most of them were loaded with fat, carbs, and synthetic chemical ingredients with utter disregard for one’s health.

Then there were all the pizza and fast food ads. The sponsors flaunted their pizza deals for $10 which will ultimately cost you hundreds more to undo the damage that you did from the saturated fats, the nitrates in the pepperoni, the excess salt, the preservatives and other chemicals in the rest of the ingredients of those pizza pies. Oh, the irony.

What are you supposed to drink to wash all that dough and stringy cheese down with? Of, course! All the commercials with Coca-Cola and Dr. Pepper did the trick to guide you in that direction. Cute ads…without all the disclaimers that we expect from pharmaceutical advertising claims. Your heart, your kidneys, your stomach, your adrenals, and other systems in your body were put at risk if you responded to those ads and guzzled down some soda pop.

Here are some athletes and the fans…wanting to enjoy the end game that is supposed to celebrate a great season of football and athletic prowess. Alas, it is compromised by the poor food choices of the football players, the commentators, the fans, and those who watch the game on their TVs and gorge themselves on terrible food. Even the barley and hops in the beer is better than most other items on the menu for the SuperBowl, if only they were used prior to being fermented and turned into alcohol!

I do love the horses and the calf/bull in the commercials…this recent one brought smiles and oh’s for cuteness, but the brewskies require extra B Vitamins to metabolize in your body. How do you support your liver and digestive organs while tipping the 55 to your lips to find out if light suits you better…barley or wheat?

Did you cram chips and dips into your mouth while you watched the game? Did you guzzle soda pop and brewskies while you endured the pre-game, game, and post-game narration by those who plastered pizza, tacos, and chicken tidbits in your face between comments?

Well then…now what do you do to fix the mistakes made today?

First, take twice the regular amount of vitamins and minerals that usually grace your daily nutritional regimen. You will need these extra nutrients to break down and metabolize the food and beverages.

Be sure that your B vitamins are complete. Don’t skimp on the B’s if you drank more than one beer or more than one soda!

Chromium, boron, and other trace minerals are also highly recommended to attend to the excess of sugars in these foods.

It wouldn’t hurt to drink some freshly juiced vegetable blend of carrot, beet, apple, celery, and ginger for the next few days. Some freshly juiced fruit will also help with the fatty metabolism of those cheeses, dips, mayo, and cured meats.

Some peppermint tea with each meal for the next two days will soothe your stomach. Some kudzu pudding will help the colon deal with the extreme mass of ‘stuff’ you threw into your system. If you can’t find kudzu root powder, then some Chinese Herbs will benefit your intestines while they attempt to process these items from game time.

Aloe juice or gel will help immensely if you find major signals of indigestion and distress with monster farts and pain from constipation. If this is the case, then a good one week detox program with herbs is also useful.

More importantly, go easy on your digestive system and heart for the next two weeks and give your body the chance to get back to normal. Eat more fresh fruit, dark leafy greens, root vegetables, lean meats, salads, and go lightly on any sweet treats unless they are organic and from a whole food source.

If your tummy is still feeling queezy over the next few days; then some hot ginger tea sweetened with honey and flavored with lemon juice is going to feel extremely soothing and provide relief. Just be sure to grate fresh ginger root and squeeze your real lemon.

You now have one year to develop better eating habits while enjoying sporting events. You can do it…instead of over-doing it!

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