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Dr. Oz Asks For 5 Days to Fight Fat: after That the Real Work Begins

Dr. Oz is beginning to sound more like a used-car salesman these days…

What doctor in their right mind asks the audience for only five days to make major changes in the way they eat and their quest to lose fat?

Dr. Oz Asks For Five Days to Fight Fat

He then went on to sell the women on a combination of supplements and meals to address their area of concern He treats nutritional supplements and foods like drugs and he readily admits he is like a ‘fish out of water’ when it comes to fashion and appearances to hide the fat parts of the body.

This induces shame, guilt, embarrassment, and trickery; where a healthy Lifestyle would offer a long-lasting genuine solution.

The real work of living well every day begins after you give up that fallacy of five day fixes.

At least Dr. Oz had the good sense to invite Scott from the Food Network to evaluate meals from restaurant chains that are somewhat healthier for the average person!

One last thought – if you want the health benefits of cinnamon to work for you, don’t treat it like a daily drug – cook with it!

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